
Week #5 SEO in a nutshell: writing effective content

Spelling, punctuation, grammar, keywords, linguistics, and overall writing is without question a crucial part of not only the integrity, but the quality of the content for which SEO is founded upon. Speaking as an aspiring screenwriter, not only is the emphasis of proper writing, grammar, spelling and so on pressed in writing fields, but in every field where the work in whichever field where the work involves anything more than 5% of writing. The truth of the matter is that spellcheck indeed, by itself, is not enough to ensure that your writing is up to industry standard, and that the only tried and true way to guarantee to do that is to read over your work over and over again until you cannot find any mistakes. Even better would be to have friends, or even an editor/editing software to look over your work. Keywords in SEO share many similarities and guidelines as Twitter hashtags, in that relevance is everything. But almost as crucial is thinking ahead and determining adequate associa...